Hakeem & Tasia 2: A Brick City Love Story Read online

Page 14

  “She who Tay?” he asked, but then seconds later it hit him and his expression dropped.

  “Janelle,” was all he said as he waited for me to respond.

  Hearing her name made me feel like he had just slapped me in the face, because I knew that she was the only other female he ever really cared about.

  “Wow,” was all I could manage to get out.

  “Don’t let your mind start going crazy, it’s not what you think. I haven’t seen or talked to her in years, Tay. She just randomly showed up, but I promise you it was nothing.”

  I laughed, “It was nothing huh?”

  “You damn right it was nothing,” he said sounding annoyed that I was questioning him.

  “But that so-called nothing was important enough for you to get with Sky in order to keep it away from me, right?”

  “It wasn’t that serious. I just knew that any connection I had with Janelle was going to be a problem for you so yeah, I wanted to keep that shit away from you and as far as Sky, I just wasn’t thinking. I did something dumb, but I promise you on everything that shit will never happen again.”

  He looked at me so intensely that I believed him, mostly because I missed him and I needed to, but also because I knew him. I knew when he was lying so I knew that he meant what he said.

  “Why now, why’s she here now?” I asked.

  “Fuck Tay, I don’t know and I don’t really care. I haven’t talked to her since that night and I don’t plan on talking to her. If you wanna be real about shit, I don’t even know how to.”

  “So, I guess I’m supposed to just be good with that?”

  “I don’t expect you to be good with any of this shit, but what I do need is for you to hear me when I say that I will never fuck up like that again. I need you to trust me and believe me when I say that. I know I don’t have the right to ask you to, but I am. I’ve never let you down before and you know I don’t lie to you, so I need you to trust me when I say that I fucked up but it will not happen again. This shit right here, you and me, this is all I know, all I wanna know. The past two weeks has had me all messed up. You might not get it but my heart don’t beat without you, no matter what I do or how I fuck up it doesn't change that fact that you control this shit. This is all you Tay.” He unfolded his arms and placed his hand over his heart while his eyes locked on mine. I just sat there watching him without any words because I didn’t know what to say. I just wanted all this to be over. I missed him and I needed us to be right again.

  As we sat there in silence, I could literally feel his need to reach for me. It was like he was fighting everything in him to control his urge to be close to me. I knew this because I felt the same way and when he couldn’t control it any longer, with one swift motion Hakeem was on his feet and pulling me into his body.

  His lips met mine and he kissed me so deeply that I felt all of my energy leave my body and move to his. I didn’t fight him, I just gave in and kissed him back and before I knew it, our clothes were hitting the floor, my back was against the sofa and Hakeem’s head was between my legs, as my eyes rolled back into my head and then closed.

  After two weeks apart, my body gave out on me within minutes and my orgasm hit so hard that I actually felt pain in my body because my muscles tightened so quickly. Before I knew it, Hakeem was inside me with so much force that I could guarantee that he rearranged my insides.

  He pulled me into his body and moved so fluently that every sensor in my body was going off. I couldn’t tell if it was all the built up emotions or the way he was handling me, but I was having an out of body experience. I was lost in every stroke and he knew it because he refused to let up.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything.” His voice was muffled because his face was buried against my neck, as he trailed kisses across it up to my jaw line. Hakeem held onto me in a way that had me feeling at home again. It was like nothing else mattered in that moment but the two of us.

  “Don’t do that Tay, please don’t do that.” Hakeem used his thumb to wipe away the tears that were sliding down my cheek. As we both lay there silently, my emotions had finally won and I couldn’t control them anymore. He positioned his body over me and looked down into my eyes before he let this lips meet mine. With several gentle kisses, he tried his best to undo the damage that he knew he had done.

  “I’m fine,” I whispered barely audible.

  “You’re not but you will be. I put that on everything. Just don’t leave me like that again. Promise me you won’t leave me like that again,” he said as he planted kisses all over my face.

  “Promise me that you won’t hurt me like that again.”

  Again his hazel eyes locked on mine; there was a sadness to them that I wasn’t used to.

  “I promise,” he said.

  “Then I’m not going anywhere,” I replied.

  His lips met mine before I felt my legs spread apart and pressure at my opening. Once again he was inside me, but this time there was an urgency to his rhythm. It was like he needed that connection and I did too. I closed my eyes and let go because it was all I knew how to do.



  As I lay there with Jace basically fucking me while he was clearly thinking about Tasia, I tried my best to figure out why my life had become so out of control. How did I get to this point? I knew that I hadn’t always made the best decisions, but did I really deserve to be treated like nothing.

  First, Jace used me for sex when Tasia walked away from him and at first it was all in fun. He knew how to put it down and had my ass begging and craving for more, but then he threatened my freedom to get me to seduce Hakeem, thinking that it would help him get Tasia back. I was okay with that at first because I wanted Hakeem just as much as Jace wanted Tasia. I figured why not, maybe we could both win with this little deal, but after the way Hakeem basically fucked me and then told me that’s all I would ever be to him, one random fuck, I lost it and started questioning what the hell I was doing with my life.

  I mean, Hakeem worked my body in ways that I didn’t know where possible, so I completely understood why Tasia didn’t want to leave him, even after she found out about us. Hell, he was that guy. There was just something about him that had you addicted and left you trying to figure out why. I was in deep before he ever touched me, but after my body got to experience what he had to offer, I was officially classified as an addict.

  Even now as Jace was working me out with every stroke, I was mentally comparing him to Hakeem. Jace’s stroke game was on point, but he wasn’t Hakeem and never would be.

  “Damn Sky, you gonna just lay there and shit.” Jace’s voice pulled my out of my thoughts about Hakeem and I instantly got irritated, so I pushed him off me and got up. He rolled over onto his back, dick rock hard, looking at me like I had lost my mind.

  “You can leave,” I said as I bent over, grabbed my t-shirt and pulled it over my head.

  “What the fuck is your problem, that nigga got your head all fucked up too?” he yelled as he looked at me with murderous eyes.

  I just laughed; Jace was crazy as hell. He was so obsessed with Tasia that he was totally losing it. Just the thought of anyone choosing Hakeem over him was making him act like a lunatic.

  “Seems like you’re the one whose head he has fucked up. I didn’t say shit about him!” I yelled as I turned my back to him to head to my bathroom.

  “You didn’t have to. Ever since he fucked your dumb ass, and then basically let you go, you’ve been acting funny. I don’t get it. What the fuck do you see in him?” Jace asked.

  I stopped just before I entered my bathroom, turned to look at him and shook my head. “What does it matter and why do you care? You sound crazy as hell right now. Maybe you need to fuck him and get it out of your system because right now you’re acting like you’re the one obsessed with him.”

  “Fuck you, Sky, and I suggest you watch how you talk to me before I have to handle you.”

  I stared at Jace who was standing
at the foot of my bed butt as naked; his body was perfect, his face was gorgeous and his bank accounts were laced, yet his crazy ass was still obsessing over the fact that he couldn’t have Tasia. Jace could have any woman he wanted but his psychotic ass was obsessed with the one person who didn’t want him. I was starting to think that the only reason why he actually wanted her was because he couldn’t have her, and that was so sad and pathetic. Jace was privileged and used to getting what he wanted, so for her to walk away from him like he was nothing, infuriated him and to make matters worse, she chose Hakeem over him. That just didn’t make sense to Jace. Hakeem was just some typical street guy who in his eyes, was beneath him, but what Jace didn’t get was the heart wants what the heart wants and Taisa’s heart wanted and had Hakeem, so Jace never stood a chance.

  I started yelling and moving towards Jace until we were face to face. “No, fuck you. I don't know what I was thinking dealing with you. You wanna get me locked up then do it; at this point, I don’t really care anymore. You’re insane, you’re weak and I totally get why Tasia doesn’t want your stupid ass. You will never be the man that Hakeem is so how about you take that shit and let it marinate for a minute. Get the fuck out of my apartment and lock the door when you leave. Lose my number because as far as I’m concerned, I’m done.”

  He laughed, looked down at the floor before his eyes traced my body. Jace grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a forceful kiss which I fought the entire time. I meant what I said, I was done with him. I was about to get my shit together and try to piece together what was left of my life. I wanted Hakeem but I knew I would never have him, and I had to make peace with that, but I’d be damned if I continued to get caught up in Jace’s bullshit.

  “You’re a stupid little bitch and your usefulness has run out,” Jace said through clenched teeth. His eyes peered at me but they housed a blank stare and before I knew it, his hands were around my neck and he was squeezing tightly. I couldn’t believe what was happening, as I struggled to breath. I knew that I had made the biggest mistake of my life by dealing with Jace and I was finally paying for it.



  Tay had been back home for almost a week now, and things seemed to be back to normal. I missed her something serious when she was gone, so now every second I had to be near her, I was. Like right now, it was early as fuck but I was up, lying here in the dark just watching her sleep. Her hair was all over the place as she lay on her side with her fist balled up under her chin. I reached down and let my fingers glide across her jawline, before I tucked her hair behind her ear so that I could kiss her face. She was sleeping so heavily that she flinched just a little, but other than that she didn’t really move.

  This was my life; me and Tay, that was it for me. I knew that I would never make the mistake of cheating again because I refused to lose her. She might not have believed me one hundred percent, but she didn’t have to. I could show her better than I could tell her and that was exactly what I planned on doing.

  I had a busy day ahead of me, so I kissed Tay’s face a few more times before I finally dragged myself out of bed so that I could take a shower. I stood there watching her for a few more seconds before I headed for the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth and took a piss, I turned on the shower to let the water run hot, while I went back into the room to grab my phone so that I could check my messages.

  Sheena had hit me up about a few events she wanted to host at the club, so I hit her back and let her know that I would call her later. Legendary was doing big numbers and I couldn’t have been happier. It was still hard for me to believe that I was actually a club owner, but I was finally starting to settle into it. I still wasn’t big on the attention and tried my best to avoid it at all costs, but for the most part, shit was good. I just needed it to stay that way.

  Not long after I was in the shower, I heard the door open and water running so I assumed that Tay was finally up. And sure enough, seconds later, she was standing in front of me with a toothbrush hanging out the side of her mouth, smiling as she scanned my body.

  “Why don’t you stop sweating me and join me,” I said as I turned my back to her and stepped under the water. She didn’t say anything, but a few minutes later I felt a slight breeze and Tay’s arms around my waist. Her small hands worked their way around my shit until I was ready for action.

  “You must want me to put your ass back to sleep with all that,” I said over my shoulder as I looked down at her.

  “Maybe,” she said with a grin so I turned to face her, lifted her off the ground as her legs wrapped around my waist and her back hit the wall. I lifted her slightly so that I could slide inside her, and she buried her face in my neck as she held onto me.

  “This what you wanted?” I asked as I pumped in and out of her slowly. She let out a soft moan but didn’t answer, so I pulled out causing her to lift her head and look at me.

  “Stop playing Keem,” she whined.

  “I’m not fucking playing, I asked you a question and you didn’t answer so I took that to mean no,” I said with a smirk.

  “Yes, dang, now quit playing!” She released one arm reaching down enough to try and position me so that she could slide down on it again.

  “Nah, I changed my mind,” I said and acted like I was going to put her down, but she balled up her fist and punched me in my shoulder.

  “I’m not playing Keem,” again she was pouting.

  So I slammed into her as deep as I could, causing her to inhale while she tried to catch her breath.

  “This what you wanted Tay?” I asked again.

  She bit her lip and nodded before she buried her face in my neck again. I let out a soft chuckle and went to work. Whatever my baby wanted she was going to get, and right now that was this dick.


  “Why you siting there looking all crazy Tay?” I asked after I stepped out the closet. She was sitting on the foot of the bed zoned out. I worked her little ass out and now she was regretting it. I walked over and kissed her on the forehead, before I picked up my belt and started putting it on.

  “I’m not looking crazy; I’m just thinking about my day trying to figure out how this is going to work.”

  I chuckled, “Yeah okay.”

  “Shut up, you’re an ass.” She looked up at me a frowned before she walked over to the dresser and opened one of her drawers. After she had a pair of lace panties in her hand, she stepped into them and I smiled because she scrunched up her face.

  “You good Tay?”

  “You’re not funny, you know I’m not. You acted like you were digging for gold and now I’m sore,” she said sounding all pouty.

  “Nah, I wasn’t digging for gold, your shit is platinum baby girl,” I said, as I picked up my wallet and slid it into my pocket.

  “I hate you sometimes,” she said.

  “No you don’t.” I walked over and pulled her into a hug, leaned down and kissed her lips.

  “I really do,” she said and frowned.

  I just laughed, kissed her on the neck and then let her go. “I’ll be out of touch most of the day but I’ll call you when I can.”

  “Don’t forget we have dinner with Liyah and Kendrick tonight,” she said as she walked into the closet.

  “Trust me, I know. Between you and her, I can’t fucking forget. You better hope I like dude or this will be the first and last,” I said, as I stood in our doorway waiting because I knew Tay was going to have something smart to say about that, and of course she stuck her head out and rolled her eyes at me.

  “Even if you don’t like him you better find a way to, because I like him and even more importantly, your sister likes him. He’s a good guy Keem, and she’s happy, so don’t mess this up,” Tay said like she was about to jump on me.

  “Damn, calm down,” I said and then laughed. “If I like him I like him, if not, there isn’t shit that either one of you can say about it, so,” I shrugged, before she stepped out the closet looking like she wanted
to murder me.

  I took a step towards her and kissed her one last time. “I’ve gotta go, I’ll call you later.”

  Tay just shook her head and walked back into the closet which made me laugh. She was mad but she would have to get over it. She couldn’t control how I felt about dude so she might as well let that shit go.


  “So what’s it like owning a club?” Kendrick asked.

  I turned my beer up and looked his way before I answered. Dude was actually pretty cool and as much as I wanted to dislike him, I couldn’t. He didn’t give me any reason to and honestly, he reminded me a lot of myself. Typical street kid who was good with the rock, but unlike me he made the right decisions and did something with it. I could tell that Liyah liked him and from what I could see, he was into her pretty deep, too. I just knew how that shit went with young athletes, and I didn’t want to have to fuck his ass up for hurting my sister.

  “Shit, I don’t really know. I mean it’s straight I guess, but I don’t really feed into it too much,” I answered honestly.

  “Don’t mind him, he hates people so he doesn't really get the full owning a club experience,” Liyah said and with a smirk.

  “What I tell you about that shit. I don’t hate people; I just don’t have a lot of love for people I don’t know,” I said and playfully mugged my sister.

  “I can get with that; I literally have the same three friends that I’ve had since grade school. I keep my circle small,” Kendrick said.

  “Oh my God, you are dating your brother,” Tay said with a huge grin.

  “Ehhh, I need you not to say that please,” Liyah said and the frowned, which made all of us laugh.

  “Man fuck that, I’m the shit. You should be happy as fuck if he’s like me,” I said.

  “Uh, jury’s still out of that one,” Tay said.

  “You’re alright, but I don’t care how much of the shit you are, the thought of me dating you makes me want to throw up. That’s just weird,” Liyah said.