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Where My Loyalties Lie Page 3

  Joy got comfy and decided to call Logic back instead of listening to them argue, which she knew was coming.

  “Damn, a brother could have been kidnaped, raped, and killed and you wouldn’t even know it,” Logic said as soon as he answered.

  Joy smiled. “Well you haven’t been, have you?”

  “Nah, I’m good, no thanks to you though.”

  “What could I have done anyway?” Joy asked.

  “Shit, called and checked on me. What happened to thirty minutes? You’re a teacher, so I know your ass knows how to tell time.”

  Joy laughed. “Yes, I know how to tell time, but I took a shower first.”

  Logic didn’t say anything but Joy could hear him breathing.

  “You still there?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m just trying to picture your pretty ass in the shower, so hold that thought for a minute.”

  “I need you to stop,” Joy blushed.

  “Shit, it’s your damn fault, you shouldn't have said it. Got me wanting to drive my ass back over there,” Logic said confidently and then chuckled.

  “Well don’t waste your time, I’m about to go to bed.”

  Joy looked up and Karma tossed the covers back, letting her feet hit the floor. She was going in on Lan as she stood up and left the room, but Joy could hear her yelling as she walked down the hall. She just shook her head.

  “So you wouldn’t wait up for me?”

  “So you would make me, even though you know I have to be up in a few hours?” Joy asked.

  Logic smiled. “Nah, you’re good shorty, but can I see you tomorrow?”

  “I’ll think about it,” Joy teased.

  “There ain't shit to think about. Call me when you get off. I’m off tomorrow, so I won’t be doing shit all day but thinking about you and waiting on you to call me, so don’t fuck my day up, aight?”

  Again Joy blushed. “Yes sir.”

  With a deep raspy laugh, Logic spoke again. “Aight shorty, take your pretty ass to sleep so you can dream about me, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “What makes you think I’m going to dream about you?”

  Logic chuckled. “Trust me, you will; but that dream ain't got shit on the real thing, believe that. Night beautiful.”

  “Night Logic.”

  Joy ended the call, plugged her phone into its charger, and scooted down comfortably in her bed. She pulled the covers up over her shoulders and closed her eyes, with thoughts of Logic heavy on her mind. She couldn’t help but smile.

  She could hear the muffled sounds of Karma arguing on the phone, so she wasn’t worried about her for now. Instead, she let her thoughts of Logic consume her and began drifting. She needed tomorrow to hurry up and arrive so that she could be near him again. She was already addicted and knew that she was falling dangerously fast.


  “Where were you?” Felicia asked as she pushed past Logic through his front door, making him regret his decision to let her come over after he got home from taking Joy to her apartment.

  “Fe, don’t clock my fucking moves. You know better than that. You can leave if you have some shit on your mind because I’m not in the mood for that.”

  She dropped her bag on his sofa and quickly changed her tune. “I don’t. I just don’t get why you asked me to come and then disappeared.”

  Little did she know, sympathy was the only thing that played a factor in her being there right now. She damn near begged after Logic finally answered her call. He had just hung up with Joy and almost didn’t, and was seriously regretting that lapse in judgement.

  “I’m about to hop in the shower,” was all he said, as he walked through his tiny apartment towards his bedroom. Felicia grabbed her bag and was on his heels. The second she was in his room, she pulled her sweatshirt over her head, leaving her in a just a bra and leggings. Her body was nice as hell, which mildly calmed the irritation Logic was feeling due to her. She knew how to get to him when she knew he wasn’t really feeling her; she always used her body and sex to get his attention.

  “Can I join you?” Felicia asked, as she worked her leggings down her thighs. She turned her back to Logic and bent over enough to expose all of her prized possessions, while she pretended to fumble over the leggings she had just dropped on the floor.

  “Nah, I’m good on that. I shouldn’t be long,” he said leaving his room, on his way to the bathroom that was in the hallway. Felicia frowned at the fact that Logic didn’t jump at the chance to have her with him. She removed her bra and panties, and climbed into his platform bed that was damn near sitting on the floor. Felicia looked around his bedroom, which was almost empty. There was a bed, a dresser that held a TV, and a bookshelf that was lined with various books. It was so full that books were stacked on top of books. His prized possession. Everything was neat and in place. For Logic to be a man and living alone, he was very well organized. She laughed to herself thinking about how he refused to stay at her place because she was so messy. She had clothes everywhere, forever had dirty dishes, and her living room was full of dirty laundry.

  When Logic finished his shower and entered his room, he didn’t bother putting on any clothes. Felicia was there for a reason and he planned on taking full advantage of that. He dropped his towel and stood beside his bed briefly watching her. She had dozed off and was on her side with her body barely covered by his sheet. The curvy silhouette of her body had his manhood swelling, as his eyes moved from her shoulder down to her hips.

  Once his body was next to hers, he kissed her collarbone to wake her, and she snuggled close to him making sure her ass was pressed fairly against his body. Logic let his arm snake across her waist before sliding his hand between her legs. As always, she was ready for him. She was wet, so his fingers easily worked their way inside her, causing Felicia to let out a soft moan. She grabbed his wrist attempting to guide his movement.

  “Chill Fe, I got this shit,” he whispered into the back of her neck, before he removed his fingers, firmly grabbing her leg, lifting it just enough to slide inside of her. With one long stroke, she grabbed her stomach, feeling like he had reached it. With a slow steady stroke, Logic closed his eyes and worked her out. He had Joy on his mind and he knew he was wrong, but it was too late. Joy had his head all fucked up, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

  Logic woke up the next morning early as hell. Felicia was sleeping peacefully thanks to the damage he did to her body a few hours prior. After he had the covers back, he slowly slid out of bed, looking back over his shoulder to make sure he didn’t wake her, and aside from her turning over to pull the covers up over her shoulders again, she didn’t move.

  He grabbed his phone off the dresser, quietly snuck out of his room and once he was in his living room, he sat down on the sofa and found Joy’s name. It was 6:15am; he knew that she was already up, since she mentioned that she had to be to work by seven, so he sent her a text.

  Good morning, shorty. How was that dream?

  He stretched out on his sofa, letting his hands rest folded across his chest while he waited, and a few minutes later, his phone vibrated.

  Joy: Didn’t have one

  Logic: Word, that’s hard to believe

  Joy: Yeah well, I didn’t sleep much

  Logic: Why is that?

  Joy: Had somebody heavy on my mind

  Logic smiled knowing that she meant him, or at least he hoped.

  Logic: You should have called me

  Joy: Didn’t say it was you

  Logic: Damn, that shit hurt shorty

  Joy: Kidding, but I have to go. About to leave in a minute.

  Logic: Call me later

  Joy: I’ll think about it

  Logic: Don’t make me come to your school and show my ass

  Joy: You don’t know which one

  Logic: I can find out

  Joy: How?

  Logic: Don’t worry about all that

  Joy: Fine, I’ll call you

  Logic: Though
t so, have a good day

  Joy: You too

  Feeling satisfied, Logic closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. For the first time in a long time, he was wanting to rush through his day off. If it meant that time passing was going to get him closer to seeing Joy, then he was all for it.

  Hours later, he woke up to hands in his shorts and then Felicia’s mouth on his erection. He looked down at her and grabbed her head. She looked up at him with her eyes locked on his, until he closed them and let her do her thing. She was basically a pro, another reason why he kept her around. So it didn’t take long for his nut to build and sure enough, within minutes, his body tensed up and he pushed her away, covering the head of his erection with his hand.

  “I could have handled that for you,” she said with a frown.

  Logic didn’t say anything, he just stood up and walked to the bathroom. He washed his hands, turned on the shower, and then stepped into the hallway to grab a towel and washcloth. Felecia moved past him into the bathroom naked, and he just shook his head knowing that she wasn't taking no for an answer.

  He walked in, just as she pulled the curtain back and stepped over the tub into the shower.

  “You heading out?” he asked as he stepped in behind her and closed the curtain.

  “You rushing me?” she asked as she reached for him, but he turned his back.

  “What’s your problem?” she asked peering at him, damn near burning a hole in his back.

  “The fuck you mean Fe, I’ve got shit to do today, so can I take a fucking shower in peace?” he asked, hoping that would be good enough. Honestly, he just didn’t feel like fucking with her this morning. He had Joy on his mind and didn’t want to be disrespectful by spending time with Joy today after fucking Felicia. They didn’t have shit going on, but it still didn’t feel right.

  “Fine, I’m running late anyway.” Felicia turned towards the shower again and began to wash her body. Logic did the same but finished quickly, leaving her there alone. When she finished, he was already dressed in cargo pants and a V-neck tee, and in the process of pulling the sheets off his bed.

  “You must have another bitch coming over,” Felicia said, rolling her eyes at him while she dressed in her typical yoga gear. She worked at a private yoga studio during the day and at Intrigued at night.

  Logic just shook his head, ignoring her, and once he had his sheets off the bed and balled up in his arms, he drooped them in the hamper and walked out of his room to the linen closet in the hall. He grabbed a clean set of dark gray sheets and walked back into his bedroom. Felicia was now dressed and brushing her hair into a ponytail.

  “It’s cool you know. We're not dating or anything, so you can have whoever you want over here,” Felicia said, knowing that it was going to get a reaction out of Logic. She hated when he ignored her like he was doing and she wanted some reaction from him, even if it wasn’t a good one.

  He just laughed. “Why the fuck you telling me shit I already know, Fe? I’m grown and single as fuck, so I know I can have whoever I want over here.”

  “I was just saying,” she said softly.

  “Just saying what?” Now he was looking at her with his arms folded across his chest and a scowl on his face.

  “Just saying that you don’t have to be so secretive about it,” Felicia said trying to ease the tension.

  “I’m not being secretive; I don’t have to hide shit from you. You know I fuck other females, and a lot of them, but I can do that. Just like you can fuck whoever you want, as long as you don’t bring no shit my way. I like you Fe, we’re cool, but if this arrangement doesn’t work for you then you know what it is. You can walk away at any time and I’m good with that. We’ll still be cool as fuck, but I’m not going to beg you to give me pussy. That shit isn’t going to happen.”

  “Trust me, I already know.”

  Felicia put the last of her things in her bag before she zipped it and lifted it off the floor. She turned to face Logic who had just finished putting the sheets on his bed.

  “Enjoy your day off, oh… and I enjoyed your little session on stage last night. Maybe you can spend some time today working on something for me, since I was the one in your bed last night and not her.”

  Without another word, Felicia was out his bedroom and minutes later, he heard his front door slam. He chuckled and walked to it, to make sure it was locked. He didn’t have shit planned, but to sit around and wait for Joy to get off work and call, so once again he stretched out on his sofa, but his time with the remote in his hand. With the lack of sleep he had gotten last night, it only taken a few minutes for him to drift. He was out like a light.

  Hours later, he woke up to his phone vibrating in his pocket. He extended his body the length of the sofa, with his arms above his head to stretch, before he reached in his pocket to grab his phone.

  “What’s up Nah Nah?” he asked when he realized it was his sister.

  “So I hear you bagging bourgeois hoes now,” his sister sang into the phone.

  Logic laughed at his sister. “Tell Nova I’m gonna her fuck her up. She can’t keep shit to herself.”

  “Why do you care? She must be somebody if you didn't want Nova to hit me up about her. How long you been hiding her, Auggie?” his sister asked, calling him by his childhood nickname that only his family knew about.

  “I’m not hiding her, Nah Nah. Last night was the first time I even really talked to her, so calm down.”

  “Nova said she’s classy, Auggie. That’s not usually your thing.”

  “Damn, the fuck that shit supposed to mean?”

  She laughed. “Nothing, you just usually like hood girls. The ones that don’t want shit from you but good dick.”

  “Don’t say that shit, that don't even sound right coming from you. I don’t care how old you get, you're still my little sister, damn.”

  Najah laughed. “I ain't little, Auggie. I’m 23 and you’re 27, not much difference.”

  “The hell it ain't. I’ll still whoop your ass, now play with it,” Logic said.

  “Whatever man, so can I meet her?”

  “Let me get to know her first Najah, damn. Your crazy ass will scare her off,” Logic said and then laughed.

  “Najah?” his sister questioned, at him calling her by her real name.

  “I didn't fucking stutter Najah Maria,” Logic laughed again, knowing she was going to be pissed.

  “Well, since you want to be petty Logic Augustus, if she can’t deal with me then she ain't no good for you. So you can cancel that. But I’ll give you a little minute to figure out she’s not for you. If she sticks around, I better get a face to face quick, fast and in a hurry. You know all it takes is for me to get one look and I can tell you if she’s good for you or not.”

  “Your hating ass don’t like nobody so it don't matter,” Logic said.

  “Nah, I just know what’s good for you big bro, whether you see it or not. You know Mommy wants some more grandkids and ain't shit popping out this cat anytime soon, so it’s on you, bro.”

  “Yo Nah Nah, chill. That shit sounds nasty as fuck.” He frowned at his sister talking about her so-called cat and having a kid.

  Najah laughed. “Well it’s true but I have to go. You coming by here? Mommy wants to see you, and your damn nephew is driving me crazy with his grown ass. You need to come handle him.”

  “You need to stop babying his ass and boss the fuck up with him,” Logic said.

  “That’s my baby Auggie, I can't do that. That’s what his uncle’s for.”

  “No Nah Nah, that’s what his bitch ass father is for, but since he don't do shit, I guess I got it.”

  “Not today, alright? But come by later. I miss you and Mommy wants to see you.”

  “I’ll see what I can do-”

  “Don’t play Auggie, I know your ass is off today. Get by here.”

  He laughed. “Aight sis, I got you.”

  After he ended his call, he decided to grab something to eat. It was after n
oon and he had a few more hours before Joy would be off work. He had no guarantees that she would even call but if she didn’t, he was paying her a visit.


  “I thought you left a while ago.” Joy looked up when she heard a voice coming from her classroom door.

  She smiled at Cedric’s handsome face as he entered her classroom, and then propped himself up on the corner of her desk. The smell of his cologne brought back memories.

  “I was on my way but decided to stay and get these lessons ready for tomorrow.” She looked around her colorful classroom, eyeing the tiny tables that she had recently finished setting up for the next day. On Fridays, she always had goody bags for her kids, with a small treat and healthy snacks. The bright striped bags sat in the center of each table, with a child’s name labeled on it.

  “You do too much for these kids. That’s why the hate moving on. Tears and tantrums. You make it hard for the rest of us, you know.” Cedric looked down at Joy and smiled. Their eyes met briefly until she looked away and focused on the lesson plan in front of her.

  “They deserve it. They’re good kids,” she said.

  “They are, but you still spoil them.”

  “Somebody needs to. They don’t get the support at home and it’s not fair. I just want them to know someone cares and for them to have a good start. If they learn to love school now then-”

  “Maybe they’ll stick with it and graduate one day,” Cedric finished her sentence. He had heard her say it a million times before.

  Joy laughed. “Well it’s true.”

  “I miss you,” Cedric said as he watched Joy’s face, waiting for a reaction. Her flawless chocolate skin seemed to glow. She lifted her head and tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “I miss you too, but that’s not enough,” she answered honestly. Joy thought about the fact that she and Cedric just couldn’t find their rhythm. They were good together in a robotic way. When they were together, things just seemed to flow, but it was like they were just existing and not really living. Everything about them was predictable, and she wanted more than that. He made her heart flutter, but she wanted the kind of man that made it feel as if it were about to explode.