Where My Loyalties Lie Page 2
Joy’s face scrunched into a frown. “I don’t know you well enough to take a ride with you.”
“But you want to, and the only way that’s going to happen is if we spend time together, so let’s go.” He smiled at her arrogantly before he climbed into his car, reached across to the passenger side, and pulled the handle to open the door.
Karma laughed and held her hand out towards Joy, who looked at Logic’s car and then back at her best friend.
“What?” Joy expressed aggressively.
“You know what, give me your damn keys and I’ll be at your apartment waiting. I’m sure Logic doesn’t mind getting you home safely, right Logic?” Karma said. Joy leaned down and peered into his car.
“Nope, not at all,” he said as he started his car.
“And she’s in good hands, right? You’ll take care of my boo; I can trust you, right?” Karma asked with a grin, before she glanced at Joy who looked like she wanted to take Karma’s head off.
“I’ll be a perfect gentleman. She’s most definitely in good hands and besides, I’m sure you can track that fancy ass phone of hers in case she goes missing,” Logic said and laughed.
“Oh my God, are the two of you finished planning my night?” Joy asked.
“Yep, now come on shorty, let’s roll. It’s cold as shit out here and I’m hungry.”
Logic shut his door, leaving Karma and Joy standing there while he waited.
“I’m going to kill you. I swear I’m gonna kill you,” Joy pointed her finger in Karma’s face.
“You’re not, but even if you do, you’ll appreciate what I’m doing later. Go hang out with that fine ass man, and keep your damn legs closed. I know it’s been a while since Ced, but still, no sex on the first date,” Karma said with a smirk as she began backing away. She waved at Logic who shook his head and threw up deuces.
Joy stood there for a few more seconds, before she took a deep breath and made her way to the passenger side of Logic’s car. She slid into the seat, buckled her seat belt and then turned to face him.
“So, where are we going?”
“I need to eat but after that, it’s whatever. I just wanted to spend time with you so I’m good with anything,” he said, as he backed out of the spot he was in and began to drive.
Joy looked around his car and noticed how clean it was. Almost spotless. It was an older model but in perfect condition. He leaned forward and turned on the radio, before he glanced at her and smiled.
“What’s up? You look stressed over there,” he said with a quick glance, before he focused on the road again.
“Nothing, just thinking.”
“About the fact that I don’t know you, yet here I am in the car with you, going God knows where in the middle of the night.”
Logic laughed and was quiet for a minute before he randomly spoke. “IHOP.”
“What?” Joy asked as she looked his way.
“We’re going to IHOP; you said going God knows where. I figured the least I could do was give you a destination. You probably think a brother’s trying to kidnap your cute ass, and have you up in some abandoned warehouse taking your goods and shit. That ain't me, shorty. If I have your goods, it’s because you want me to have them. I don’t have to take shit. Trust me,” he said with a smirk.
Joy opened her mouth to say something, but what-she didn’t know, so she kept quiet and just stared out the window. They were both quiet for the rest of the trip, but she occasionally stole glances at him. He was rugged but sexy as hell. She traced his profile as he drove, focusing on his jawline and lips; God she wanted to kiss him.
“Why haven’t you ever talked to me before?” Logic’s voice yanked Joy out of her obsession over his lips.
“Huh?” she said, not really knowing what he had just said to her.
He smiled and asked again, “Why haven’t you ever talked to me before?”
She shrugged and looked away. “Why haven’t you ever talked to me?” she asked instead of answering him.
“Shit, your ass is high dollar. I can’t afford a woman like you so I was like fuck it, why waste that energy.”
Joy frowned. “High dollar, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know exactly what that means. Just because I don't have shit doesn’t mean I don’t know shit. Look at those diamonds in your ears and that ring on your hand. That alone probably costs more than I make in six months. You’re smart as hell; I bet you have a master’s degree or some shit like that, right? High dollar for real - I can’t compete with that.”
Joy fidgeted with her ring, turning it on her finger before she looked up at Logic with her brows furrowed. “Then why now… why am I here now?”
With his eyes locked on hers, he smiled. “I guess a brother felt lucky tonight.”
Joy smiled but still felt a little put off by what he said. It was like he was calling her spoiled or privileged. She had no control over who her parents were or what they had, but she was just Joy. The things she had were just that – things, and they didn’t matter one way or the other to her. She wasn’t that type of person. Karma was a prime example of that. They met in college their sophomore year while Karma was a stripper. She was struggling, didn’t have anything, but they instantly clicked. They've been best friends ever since.
Once they were seated at their table at IHOP, Joy sat across from Logic while focusing on her menu. He was focused on her.
“Don’t you need to figure out what you’re going to eat?” she asked, not looking up, because she could feel his eyes on her.
“Nah, I’m good. I always get the same thing,” he said.
Before Joy could say anything, a waitress came walking up. She smiled at Logic, he stood, and she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. He pulled her into a hug as Joy watched with her mouth tight and eyes narrowed. She was jealous and didn’t know the first thing about his man. He wasn’t hers, yet she felt like she was being disrespected like he was.
“Who’s this?” the female asked.
“Joy, this is my cousin, Nova.”
Joy let out a sigh of relief that she hoped they didn’t notice, before she smiled at Nova.
“Pleased to meet you,” Joy said with a soft smile.
“You’re cute. Different from what I’m used to seeing,” she said, and glanced at Logic before focusing on Joy again.
“Nova, don’t start that shit,” Logic said as he playfully mugged her.
“Well she's not. She’s sort of… classy I guess you can say,” Nova said.
“The fuck Nova. I don't fuck with hood rats or anything, damn. You ‘bout to have her thinking some crazy shit.”
Nova laughed. “That’s not what I’m saying. Don’t worry boo, it’s not like that. My cousin just has a certain type. Anyway, what can I get you? I already know what this fool is eating.”
“Umm,” Joy looked down at her menu and then back at Nova. “I guess chocolate chip pancakes and orange juice.”
Nova smiled. “See, classy. I’ll be right back.”
After Nova walked off, Joy looked up at Logic, who of course was staring right back at her. “I’m not some spoiled rich kid, if that’s what you’re thinking. In fact, I work and live on my own.”
“What do your parents do?” he asked with a straight face, eyes intense.
She looked down at the ring that she began twisting on her finger, before she looked at him again. He hadn't broken his stare yet, as he waited.
“They’re lawyers,” she said confidently, knowing what impression that was going to give.
He chuckled. “My dad was a pimp, my mother was his whore and a drug addict until she finally freed herself, got clean and now she cleans houses for a living.”
Joy just stared at him but didn’t say a word. She didn't know what to say without saying something stupid or offensive.
“Don’t look like that, it’s cool. My life is what it is. I’m not ashamed or embarrassed. Circumstance dictate who we are and how we l
ive. I’m cool with that.”
He smiled to ease the tension that he knew she was feeling, but he was even more convinced that the two of them were from different worlds and that would be a struggle.
“Do you think that matters to me?” she asked, curious about what he thought of her.
“What I think is that you’re used to certain things, a certain way of life. Things that you don’t think matter because it’s all you know, in the long run plays a significant role in who you are as a person. Right now, all I want is to sit here, eat and have conversation with who is likely, the most beautiful person I have met in a long time. You good with that shorty?” Logic winked at Joy and she blushed. With a simple nod, she smiled and agreed.
“Thank you,” Logic turned to Joy and smiled. He covered her hand which was rested on her thigh, with his, and laced his finger through hers. His touch sent chills through Joy which had absolutely nothing to do with the chill that surrounded him.
“For what?” she asked.
“For chilling with me tonight.” He laughed almost to himself, as if sharing a private joke.
“What’s that for?” she asked referring to his laugh.
“Shit, I thought for sure you were gonna be like ‘hell no, I’m not going anywhere with you’,” he answered truthfully.
“How’d you get this?” She released his hand and reached for his face. Her small fingers gently grazed his skin, moving across the inch scar that moved from his right temple across his cheek bone.
He reached for his face, again covering her hand with his, as he held it in place on his face.
“Street fight,” was all he said before he grasped her hand, holding it firmly and moving it to his lips. After he kissed it, he let it go.
“Hmmm,” she said mocking him from earlier.
“What?” he laughed.
“Isn’t that where most fights happen?” Joy asked seriously.
Logic laughed. “For me, yes.” Just as soon as Logic spoke, his phone went off. Felicia had been calling him all night, but this time she sent a message which he ignored. He hated standing her up, but he wasn’t about to leave Joy for her and besides, they were just kicking it; no commitment, no expectations. He was single as a dollar bill, so he didn’t have to answer to anyone about where he was and most definitely not who he was with.
“I guess someone’s missing you tonight,” Joy said, feeling slightly jealous again about another woman possibly steeling a minute of his time. She clearly knew that he had women and plenty of them, but for some reason in this moment, she was having feelings about it. Strong feelings that she hoped weren’t showing on her face.
“Doesn’t matter. I’m where I want to be,” he said with that damn cocky smile of his, causing her heart to thump heavily in her chest while butterflies filled her stomach.
“I won’t hold you up. It’s late, so I better go,” Joy said, even though everything in her was fighting against it. She wanted more time with him. She wanted to invite him into her apartment and let him do things to her that only a man like Logic could do.
“You leaving me shorty? I told you this isn’t important.” He held his phone up referring to the constant calls he had been receiving all night.
“It’s not that. It’s just late and we can’t sit out here all night,” Joy said.
“Invite me in then,” he said with a smirk.
Joy smiled. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not, you don’t think you can control yourself? I’m just saying, no means no shorty,” Logic said and then laughed at himself.
“I have no issues with control, but I have to be at work by seven o’clock in the morning, so I need to be going to sleep.”
“Damn, seven o’clock? The fuck you do that requires you to be up that early?” Logic asked.
“I’m a teacher,” she said confidently.
“Word, I never would have guessed that. What grade?”
“Kindergarten,” she said.
“Ah shit, you got them little ass kids too. I bet they’re bad as hell.”
“Don’t talk about my babies like that, and no they’re not. They’re sweet.”
Logic laughed. “Nova has twins that are four, and my sister has a son that’s six. They’re bad as fuck, so I know you’re stressing every day with a room full of them.”
“I have good kids,” Joy said, playfully pouting.
“Yeah I bet, but I’ll let you go. Your ass needs some rest since you have to deal with little demons in the morning.”
Logic opened his door and Joy did the same. He walked her to her apartment door, and they both laughed when they noticed Karma peeking through the blinds, which quickly closed the second they were at the front door.
“You have my number so use it,” Logic said, as they stood outside her front door.
“You have mine too, so same goes for you,” Joy countered.
Logic chuckled, reached for her waist, grabbing it, and pulling her body into his. She smelled like fruit as he moved in close to her face, letting his lips graze her ear.
“You smell good,” he whispered before he pulled back and then faced her. She was about a foot shorter than he was, so he leaned down and let his forehead rest against hers. “If I kiss you, will you kiss me back?”
Joy released the breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding, before she let out a soft barely audible “yes.”
Logic’s lips pressed against hers, but only for a second, before their kiss deepened and his tongue danced around hers. After what seemed like forever, he pulled back and Joy stood there for a few seconds, eyes closed, still tasting his soft lips even after he pulled away.
“You good shorty?” he asked with a smirk, and her eyes immediately popped open.
“I’m fine,” she said, finally getting herself together.
Logic smiled and stepped back.
“Call me in half an hour, I should be home by then.” Without another word, he turned to walk away.
Joy watched his bowed stride as he moved further and further away from her, and she would have stayed there until he disappeared into the parking lot, if Karma hadn't yanked the door open, grabbed her arm and pulled her inside.
“Well?” she asked, arms folded tight across her chest.
“Well what?” Joy asked with a partial frown and smirk.
“I saw that sexy ass porn kiss so I know things went well, but I need details about how well.”
Joy rolled her eyes at her best friend, locked the door, and then moved past her.
“Please tell me that you didn’t stand there watching us.”
“Hell yeah I did, because if you didn’t kiss that fine ass man, I was going to cuss your simple ass out.” Karma followed behind Joy as she made her way to her room.
Karma was already dressed for bed in leggings and a tank top, so she fell onto her stomach on Joy’s queen-sized bed and scrolled through her phone, while Joy undressed.
“K, he’s so perfect. Like, not perfect as in nothing’s wrong with him because I don’t mean it like that, but perfect as in God, I want him.”
“You're so dumb. That made absolutely no sense, but oddly enough I know what you mean.”
“Why did you let me wait so long to say something to him?”
“Oh, so you said something to him?” Karma raised her eyebrows and looked at Joy, who just laughed as she removed the rest of her clothes, tossing them into the hamper. She walked into her bathroom and turned on the shower before joining Karma in her room again.
“You know what I mean. Don’t get all literal on me,” Joy said and gently shoved Karma in the shoulder.
“So what do we know about him?” Karma asked.
Joy frowned. “Actually, I don’t really know anything about him. I did most of the talking.”
“Oh my God, I just can’t with you,” Karma half yelled, not believing that Joy spent time with him and came away with nothing.
Joy stood and folded her ar
ms across her chest. “We were literally together for an hour and a half. There wasn’t much I could have learned about him anyway,” Joy said.
“Boo, you could have learned a lot about him in five minutes, but I’m sure you didn’t go that route,” Karma said with a smirk.
“I’m going to take a shower.” Joy left her best friend in her room, walked into her bathroom and shut the door. She unhooked her bra, stepped out of her matching lace boy shorts, and pulled her shower curtain back. Once she was inside and the steaming hot water pierced her skin, her mind drifted to Logic, from his lips, his eyes, his nicely cut arms, to his bowlegs. Everything about him was sexy, even that damn scar on his face. As Joy washed her body, her mind quickly began to fill with thoughts of what the rest of his body looked like. She knew it had to match everything else about him. Damn, she thought. Once Joy was done and out the shower, she dried off and wrapped her body in a towel before entering her room again.
Karma was on one side of her bed under the covers, scrolling through her phone. Joy walked to her drawer, grabbed a pair of panties and slid them on under her towel. She opened another drawer and pulled out a pair of yoga shorts and a tank top. Once she had them on, she shut off the light and climbed into bed next to Karma.
“Your man called while you were in the shower. Damn Joy, I think I had an orgasm just from the way he said hello. His voice is sexy as fuck.”
“Why are you answering my phone?” Joy rolled her eyes at Karma, grabbed her phone off the nightstand next to her, and unlocked her screen to call him back.
“Chill hoe, when don’t I answer your phone? Don’t act all funny about it now because you got a man calling it,” Karma said with a frown.
“Shut up K. Ain't nobody acting funny,” Joy elbowed Karma.
“Whatever hoe, I see what it is.” Karma playfully mugged Joy before she turned her back to her and answered her own phone.
“I’m at Joy’s, that’s why,” Karma said, and Joy figured it had to be Lan, Karma’s situation.
Karma and Landon had been pretty solid for the past three years, but they argued more than they got along. That was their thing though.