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Where My Loyalties Lie Page 5

  After dinner was ready, the four of them plus Trent, sat down at the kitchen table to eat. Trent rushed through this dinner so that he could get back to his game, while Najah, Mini, Logic and Joy shared conversation. They were impressed about the fact that she was a teacher. They also constantly made references to the fact that she was so different from the women Logic usually dated. Because of Najah’s big mouth, Joy found out that he hadn’t really been in a serous relationship in over a year, since breaking up with Myesha, whom neither his mother or sister cared for. They dated on and off for two years, but she finally walked away when Logic left the streets alone, and couldn’t provide her with the lifestyle she had grown accustomed to with him.

  She also learned his full name, Logic Augustus Ford, which was why his family called him Auggie, and that Logic was basically the only man in both his sister and his mother’s lives. He had become a father to Najah’s son, and the man of the house when his mother needed anything done that she couldn’t handle herself.

  Joy also found out that Logic had a brother, who was murdered in a street fight and died in his arms, which pretty much changed everything about his life. He stopped running the streets, took the job at Intrigued and started writing. After seeing what losing his brother did to his mother, he refused to let her go through that again, so he was basically reformed and trying to be a better man for himself and his family. It wasn’t easy, but he was making it work.

  After dinner, Logic spent some time with his nephew, and Joy stayed in the kitchen with his sister while she cleaned the kitchen, and their mother Mini was in her room with her Kindle and tea. Najah wasted no time going in on Joy, to find out where her head was at.

  “So you like Auggie, huh?” Najah asked, as she dried the last of the dishes and put them away.

  “Yeah, I do.” Joy couldn’t contain her smile. After being there with his mom and sister for a while, she had relaxed and felt comfortable. Seeing Logic with his family, further confirmed for her that he was what she wanted.

  “He likes you too. Don’t sweat that nonsense I was talking about other hoes. I know my brother and he likes you. He more than likes you. I can see it all over his face. He tries to act all rugged and hard, but he’s different with you.”

  “Different how?” Joy asked trying to figure out what his sister meant by different.

  “First of all, you’re here. He’s only known you like what, a day, and he brought you to meet Mommy, so that right there says a lot. He’s also all touchy feely with you. Auggie don’t like people all up in his personal space. He’s kind of a loner, been like that since Nard died. He’s just funny that way, but he kept you close tonight like he didn’t want distance between you and him, and that’s not how he operates. So trust me boo, Auggie’s feeling you.”

  Joy glanced towards the living room, where Logic was sitting on the floor next to his nephew. They were deep into a game, laughing and talking to each other. She could see the bond and she knew that he would be a good dad. Not that she wanted kids right now, but one day, and seeing him with his nephew let her know that he was most definitely father material.

  “He’s a little broken, not in a bad way, but he’s been through a lot.” Najah’s voice pulled Joy out of her head and she turned to look at her. Najah wore a serious expression.

  “I love my brother more than anything in the world and I won’t let anybody hurt him. You seem cool and I can tell you care about him, but I still have to look out for him so don’t lead him on.”

  “I wouldn’t do that,” Joy said feeling slightly offended.

  “I’m not saying you would intentionally, but I know how it is. Good girls love bad boys until they realize that they can’t offer them the life that they really want. You seem like you like nice shit and that’s cool, but Auggie is who he is. He works hard, but this,” Najah waved her hand in the air, “this is who we are.”

  “I don’t want anything from him,” Joy said.

  “It’s not what you want from him boo, it’s what you expect from life.”

  Joy looked at Najah, not really knowing how to respond. She understood what she was saying, but was annoyed that she was potentially judging her.

  “I like your brother and I don’t know what will happen with us, but he doesn’t owe me anything and he never will. I work hard for what I have and that won’t ever change.”

  “Long as we’re clear about your expectations. When Auggie loves, he loves hard, and that’s a gift. He’s a good man so don’t take that for granted.”

  “I won’t,” Joy said.

  Najah smiled before she turned to leave the kitchen. Joy stood and followed.


  “What’s up shorty, you’re awfully quiet over there?” Logic asked, killing the silence that filled the car.

  “Nothing, just thinking,” Joy said.

  “About what?”

  “Just stuff,” she looked at him with a grin.

  “Come on shorty, you have to do better than that.”

  “I like your family,” Joy said.

  Logic chuckled, “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah; aside from the fact that your sister sort of threatened me, it was a good night.”

  “She threatened you?” Logic asked with a smirk.

  “Yeah, pretty much. Told me that you’re a good guy and when you love, you love hard, so if I wasn’t going to be good to you then I needed to leave you alone.”

  Logic burst out laughing. “Her nosey ass needs to mind her damn business.”

  “You are her business,” Joy said.

  “Nah, her hating ass just don’t have a life so she spends her time trying to manage mine.”

  “She loves you, that’s a good thing.”

  “If you say so,” he said.

  “So you ready to head home?” he asked.

  “Not really,” Joy answered truthfully. She wanted more time with him.

  “You feel like chilling at my spot for a minute?” he asked.

  “We can do that,” Joy said.

  Fifteen minutes later, they pulled up to Logic’s apartment. He unlocked the door to let them in, and stepped around Joy to turn on the lights while she stood in the center of his living room.

  She looked around and everything was neat and in place. She didn’t really have any expectations, but she also didn’t expect it to look so organized.

  “Why you grinning like that?” Logic asked, after he sat down on the sofa waiting for Joy to join him.

  “You don’t have a secret girlfriend, do you?” Joy asked, as she walked over to him and positioned herself on his lap.

  “No, why?” he asked looking confused.

  “Your apartment is clean… a little too clean to be a bachelor pad,” Joy admitted.

  Logic’s hand moved under Joy’s sweater, as he pulled her in and kissed her neck. “So if a dude has a clean spot, it has to be because of a woman?” he asked in between kisses to her neck and her jawline.

  “No, it’s just not normal,” Joy said, as she let her body relax into his. If he kept this up, she was in danger and she knew it. The way he touched her had her body on fire, and it had been a while since she had that feeling.

  “Well, I live alone. Investigate all you want but you won’t find shit. I know how you women be on the P.I. type movement.”

  “I trust you,” Joy said.

  “You sure ‘bout that?” he asked with a smirk.

  “Well maybe not if you asking like that,” Joy said and laughed.

  “Nah, you’re in good hands, you can trust me.” Logic lifted Joy just enough to lay her on the opposite end of the sofa, before he let his body cover hers. He looked down at her, taking in her features for a minute, before he leaned in for a kiss. Joy’s hands dipped under his shirt and moved up his back, which had him fighting against himself. He wanted her, but was torn between what he wanted and what she expected. So, he tried to pull away, but she held onto him to stop him.

  Joy was confused by him suddenly putting the brak
es on things, and spoke up. “What’s wrong?”

  “Shit, nothing, trust that, but if I don’t stop now I won’t be able to,” Logic answered truthfully with his eyes locked on hers.

  “Maybe I don’t want you to,” Joy said matching his honesty.

  “Nah, you’re good. We got time,” Logic said, trying to pull away again, but Joy’s small hands held firmly to his back, holding him in place.

  “You’re right, I’m good, so stop trying to make decisions for me,” she said with a seductive grin.

  Logic didn’t need much convincing so this time he pulled away, managed to get to his feet but reached for her hand. She accepted, stood, and followed as he led her to his bedroom. Logic moved her body close to his, as they stood at the foot of his bed. He grabbed the sides of her sweater and she helped as he lifted it over her head. The rest of their clothes followed in-between kisses, and it didn’t take long before they were both naked, Logic’s head between her legs, and Joy on the verge of losing it.

  Just like she expected, he did things to her body that she couldn’t even imagine in her wildest dreams. When she realized she was fighting a losing battle, she let go and let her orgasm hit, which wiped out every ounce of energy she owned, but Logic wasn’t letting up. Her only reprieve was the short amount of time it took him to stand, get a condom on, and before she could object, her legs were over his shoulders and she could feel him reach her chest. It literally felt like he was in her chest.

  “I can’t, I can’t-” she mumbled, unable to finish her sentence.

  He looked up at her arrogantly, with a cocky grin on his face before he kissed her lips.

  “You can’t what shorty, you can’t feel me?” He dug deeper into her body causing Joy to struggle to catch her breath.

  “What about now?” he asked, before he pulled her in closer and buried his face in her neck.

  “Please…” she whispered, barely audible, as she tried to push him away.

  “Please what Joy, you want more?” he whispered against her ear.

  She let out a soft moan unable to speak anymore, which made him go harder. He was just as gone as she was and struggling to hold on, so he gave up and let go. Logic made sure Joy reached her climax first before he reached his, and then collapsed onto her body. It took both of them a minute before they could move, and then Logic rolled over onto his back pulling Joy into his chest. She looked down at him frowned.

  “What?” Logic asked with a grin.

  “Nothing,” she said, not wanting to admit to what was going through her head. He had her already and she knew that she couldn’t do anything about it.

  “So we keeping secrets now?” he asked, lifting his head just enough to kiss her on the forehead.

  “I’m losing myself in you already, and that’s not a good thing,” Joy admitted.

  “Why is that?” he asked.

  “Because it’s too much, too fast. I don’t know you and you don’t know me-”

  Logic cut her off. “Does this feel right?”

  “Yeah, but-”

  “No buts, shorty. If it feels right, then it’s a good thing. I’m not rushing shit, but sometimes it is what it is, so just trust it.”

  Joy couldn’t debate that, so she just let it go. Right now he was right. It just felt right, so she just took it for what it was worth.


  “Damn, this shit must pay really good if it’s keeping you around.” Logic looked up from the table he was clearing when he heard Donte’s voice. It had been a while since he’d come face to face with him, but the sight of his brother’s killer had his pulse racing and his heart pounding in his chest. He glanced at the crew that Donte had with him, as they stood a few feet behind Donte. They were always around; Donte made sure of it because he feared for his life. And it wasn’t just Logic that put that fear in his heart, but several others.

  Donte was a snake. He had crossed so many people that he made a point of never being alone anymore. He was afraid of what would happened if he was.

  Logic didn’t really give a fuck about Donte’s crew because no man put fear in his heart, not even Donte and the Glock with the extended clip that he knew was placed against his waist that was always there. This was a known fact because there was a time in his life that Logic, too, had the same weapon, in the exact same location on his body. It seemed so long ago when in reality, it had only been a few months.

  Logic took a step towards Donte, leaving very little space between them. His eyes were locked on who used to be the one person in this world, other than his brother, that he trusted the most. He could see his punk ass flunkies touch their sides, but he also knew that they wouldn’t make a move without Donte’s approval. And even then, he still didn’t care. He wasn’t afraid; he’d either die or he wouldn’t.

  “Don’t let what you see fool you. I’m still the same person I’ve always been, and you of all people know what that means.”

  “What I know is your ass is in here serving coffee, cleaning tables and shit for pennies, when the streets is calling your name with stacks waiting on you. I always got a home for you when you’re ready, family.”

  “I’m not your fucking family and let’s be clear about that, and I don’t need shit from you.”

  “Logic, we good out here?” Luther walked up to Logic, positioning himself behind him. Luther’s presence stopped Logic from doing what he really wanted to do, and that was taking Donte’s life. Instead, he just lifted the plates from the table he was standing in front of, and turned to walk away.

  “Yeah, we’re good,” he said over his shoulder.

  “I’ll be here when you need me fam.” Donte chuckled and watched as Logic disappeared into the kitchen. He waved his hand in the air before turning to leave, and his soldiers followed. They functioned off of his command, a command that used to be shared by Donte and Logic, but now Donte held sole ownership.

  Logic was lost in his thoughts about how he and Donte came up together. From the time they were preteens, they were thick as thieves. Donte was the first friend that Logic made, when they moved from Brooklyn, New York to Atlanta so that his mother could escape her past, stay clean and try to provide him, his brother and his sister with a better life.

  Logic had always been a street kid, so he and Donte were naturally drawn to each other. Donte was a hustler, even at an early age, making runs for the local dealers. From the first time Donte and Logic met outside of Donte’s house, they became inseparable, and it stayed that way until Logic had to watch his brother, Bernard, take his last breath in his arms.

  Donte set him up; he got upset because Nard was on the come up. People respected him more than Donte because he was fair and always on his grind. Donte hated the fact that Nard was making a name for himself.

  Logic never wanted his brother in the streets, but he couldn’t really stop him. So he brought him in under his wing so that he could keep an eye on him and protect him, as much as he could be protected.

  Donte and Logic were pretty well known in their neighborhood and surrounding areas; not really kingpins or bosses as you call it, but they were making money and a lot of it. The problem started when Logic brought Nard in. The streets started making references to the Mitchell brothers, leaving Donte out of the equation. Logic knew that Donte wasn’t feeling the attention shifting, but never would he have even played with the idea that Donte would set Nard up. Yet, that’s exactly what happened and Nard lost his life because of it.

  “Don’t let him pull you back in, you know that’s all he wants.” Luther walked into the kitchen of Intrigued and stood in front of Logic, who was leaning against one of the counters. Luther owned Intrigued and considered himself a father figure to Logic. So, when Logic decided to leave the streets, he sold him half ownership in Intrigued. He’d known him since he was a kid, being that Logic’s mother cleaned a few of the rental properties that Luther owned.

  He eventually sold one to her for far less than it was worth, after realizing how she was struggling to
make a better life for her two sons and daughter. Luther always had a thing for Mini, but she always kept their relationship professional and friendly. As much as he wanted more, he respected that she didn't, so he did the next best thing and became that father figure to Logic, Najah, and Bernard.

  It hit him hard when Nard was shot several months ago. Luther was actually the one who talked Logic out of hitting the streets, to seek revenge for his brother’s death. Even though Luther knew Logic was simply waiting for the right time, at least for now he was safe, out the streets, and that gave him peace of mind. He knew that Mini couldn’t handle losing another son. Luther also understood that Mini was the only thing that kept Logic from being reckless, at least for the moment.

  “I’m good, L.” Logic turned towards the sink and turned on the water to wash his hands.

  “I know it’s hard, and I know you miss him, but killing Donte is not going to bring him back Logic. I hope you know that.”

  True indeed it wasn’t going to bring his brother back, but it damn sure was going to allow Logic to rest easier.

  “I said I’m good. You need me to help you settle up on the books tonight, because if not, I might get out of here early?” Logic asked.

  “Nah, you’re good. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  When Logic was in the car, he drove through his old neighborhood, parked and shut it off. He was a few blocks away from the action, which gave him the ability to see without being seen. He lifted his gun off his lap, the one he kept in the truck of his car for days like this when he couldn’t get the idea of killing Donte out of his head. With it securely in his hands, he chambered the first round and pointed it at the windshield, before he lowered it to his lap again and let his eyes roam his old block.

  Donte was going to die; it was just a matter of time. The only thing keeping Donte alive right now was a promise that Logic made to his mother. She made him promise that he wouldn’t do anything to cause her to lose him too. She wasn’t about to bury another son, or visit him in jail.