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Hakeem & Tasia 2: A Brick City Love Story Page 5

  “You’re sexy as hell Sky, I know he wants to fuck you. Guys like him are not the faithful type. A nice pair of open legs and an invitation to get in between them is usually all they need, so if you’re offering that then you should have already finished the job.”

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong. Of course he wants me, how could he not, but he is faithful. He loves her and is trying really hard not to do something stupid, which is why I haven't slept with him yet. So you might be wasting your time. Then what?”

  “Then your ass goes to jail, Skylar. Petty theft, larceny, embezzlement. Don’t forget all I have to do is make one phone call, and you sweetheart, are going away for a long time. You don’t want that, do you?” I tightened my grip on her hair and held her in place as I gazed in her eyes.

  “No. I’ll make it happen,” she mumbled.

  “Good girl,” I said and let her go. She stepped away from me, lifted her robe off the floor and put it on. Once she had it secured around her waist, she sat on the edge of the bed again.

  “I thought you were getting him arrested anyway. Isn't your uncle someone big in the policed department?”

  “I tried, but he’s good. He has a clean record and when they searched his place, they didn’t find anything but trust me, I’m working on it.”

  “I thought cops planted evidence when they couldn’t find what they were looking for, wouldn't that be easier? Even if he sleeps with me, there’s a chance that she’ll forgive him and take him back, but if he’s in jail then you’re free and clear. You won’t have to worry about him anymore.”

  “Oh, so you’re helping me now?” I let out a cocky laugh. “It’s not that simple but trust me, I’m working on it. He’s a fucking simple ass street thug. He’ll mess up sooner or later but for now, I just need you to do your damn job and get him in your bed. Can you handle that Skylar?”

  She looked at me and rolled her eyes which pissed me off, so I rushed her, grabbing her by the neck and squeezed until she grabbed my wrist trying to stop me.

  “Can you? Can you handle that Skylar?” I asked again with my eyes locked on hers.

  She nodded, so I let her go and she gasped for air but smiled at me. Her crazy ass liked that rough shit. I could see the excitement in her eyes as she reached for my jeans and started unbuckling them. I watched as she released me and looked up at me with a grin before she took me in her mouth. I grabbed her head and gripped her hair as she went to work. With my mind on Tasia, I let Sky do what she did best.


  I sat outside of Tasia’s new location watching the building. The longer I sat there the more infuriated I became, knowing that he was the one that made it happen. I could feel the heat radiating from my body, as my jaw tightened and my teeth slowly started to grind. I glanced at the image staring back at me from my rearview mirror and couldn’t believe how it was not enough to keep Tasia in my life. My piercing grey eyes were hypnotic and looks had always been enough. I had the face and body of a God and women threw themselves at me all the time. I was a model and a damn good one; my bank account was proof of that as well as the fact that my face and body were everywhere: print ads, commercials, TV and movies. Hell, I would fuck me if I wasn’t me, so how could Tasia walk away from me for a common street thug?

  I lifted my phone out of the passenger seat of my car, holding it in my hand trying to figure out what call I would make first. I needed to make sure Sky was doing what I paid her to do, but I also needed to call my uncle to find out why he hadn’t figured out a way to get Hakeem locked up, so that was my first call.

  “I’m busy right now Jace, what do you need?” my uncle snapped the second he answered my call. I could hear the irritation in his voice which instantly pissed me off.

  “I need to find out why the fuck you’re head of a drug task force but you can’t handle a simple fucking job of getting one man off the streets. My father got that job for you so the least you can do is handle this for me.”

  “Your father didn’t get shit for me. I worked hard, did my fucking job and got promoted. As for your little love triangle, I have important shit to do that holds more weight than helping you chase after a woman that didn’t want you in the first place. I already risked my job with that bogus ass warrant, which was a huge waste of my people’s time. They searched his place, it was clean so there really isn’t much else I can do.”

  I let out a sarcastic laugh and inhaled slowly before I spoke. “My father pulled all kind of strings to secure that job for you so don’t get it twisted. Do you think you would be as successful as you are if they knew your past, that you’re a fucking lunatic? I bet they wouldn’t want your black ass running their task force if they knew that you were a medicated, psychopath who murdered his own brother.

  “You really need to stop threatening me, Jace. That was a long time ago and a lot has changed since then. I can’t be held responsible for shit that I didn’t even know I had. My life is different now and the past is the past. If you’re threatening me then do whatever you feel necessary, but just understand that if you come at me then I will come at you harder. Blood does not guarantee loyalty I see, so just remember that. If you want a war, then I’m ready for battle. Now if you’re finished attempting to throw your weight around then I have a fucking job to do pretty boy.” He hung up without another word.

  I had a good mind to throw my phone through the windshield of my car because I was so fucking mad. How dare he try to handle me like I was nobody. I was running out of options so apparently I was going to have to take matters into my own hands. My father was a well know judge; he had more power and clout than most people dreamed of, so I knew that I would find a way to make this shit happen. That nigga was going to jail and Tasia was going to be mine.



  “What’s wrong love?” Jacob asked as I stared at Sky hovering around Hakeem. Hakeem made a point of keeping his distance and things looked friendly, but something about the way Sky kept ending up in Hakeem’s personal space was rubbing me the wrong way.

  “Nothing.” I forced a smiled, attempting to hide my concern but of course Jacob saw right through me. His eyes followed mine right to the direction of where Hakeem and Sky were standing.

  Jacob searched my face before his formed into a frown. “I know that hussy is not pushing up on our man.”

  “No, Jacob. I’m not thinking that,” I lied not wanting to entertain the thoughts that were creeping into my head. Had I made a bad decision about bringing Sky into my company? Hakeem was always around; hell, his club was only a few feet away from my office so that meant that she had open access to him. But then again I needed to be able to trust my man, right?

  Jacob’s eyes studied my face before he glanced at Sky who had finally moved away from Hakeem. “Look, we can do this without her so if you need to cut her loose do what you need to do. I’m here to make money, not beat a hoe for trying to steal my future baby daddy.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh because Jacob was so serious that it was humorous. His face was stern and his body language was in fight mode. “Oh my God, you are too much. I’m not worried about Sky but you need to be worried about what will happen if Keem hears you calling him your future baby daddy.”

  Jacob held his expression for a few more seconds before he decided to let it go and a smile crept across his face. “I can’t help it love, look at our man. That’s some fine hardware over there.” Jacob and I both turned to look at Hakeem who just so happened to already have eyes on me. When he saw Jacob and I staring, his smile dropped and he shook his head, likely because he knew that we were talking about him. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and placed it to his ear.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I said focused on Jacob again. “I’m ready to go home.”

  “Oh yeah, rub it in,” Jacob said with a pout.

  I just walked away and laughed, but thoughts of Sky’s intentions quickly infiltrated my head again, as I watched her standing by her desk with my
appointment book. She felt me watching her, looked up and smiled as her green eyes locked on mine. I had to admit, she was beautiful and nothing like me. Her body was curvy in all the right places, while I was more petite and thin. I had a nice figure but I was more lean and fit. I didn’t have hips and thighs but I was still shutting it down, and Hakeem never once seemed like he was interested in Sky. I shook the feeling but made a mental not to keep my eyes open. I had no plans on losing my man after I had worked so hard to get him, so if I felt for one second that Sky was on some bullshit, she was as good as gone.

  “How did it go?” Liyah asked the second we walked in the door. She elected to skip the soft opening I was having, so when we got home we found her on the sofa surrounded by enough junk food to feed a small army.

  “Girl, I don’t see how you can eat all that crap and not be throwing up everywhere.” I shook my head and she laughed.

  “I’m a professional snacker, I guess,” she shrugged. “So how was it?” she asked again.

  “It was good. They love my new spot and I’ve got a lot of new clients so things are good.”

  “Things are great. My baby is killing shit. I just hope she doesn’t get too big and drop a nigga,” Hakeem said as he walked up behind me and kissed me on the neck.

  “I would never do that.” I let my head fall back just enough to look up at him.

  He just let out a slight chuckle before he kissed my neck again and then let me go before he walked into the closet. I sat down next to Liyah, kicked off my shoes and propped my feet up on the coffee table, crossing my ankles. I lifted the bag of half-eaten peanut M&M’s and popped a few in my mouth.

  “So this was what you’ve been doing all night?” I asked looking around.

  “Yep, trash TV and junk food,” Liyah said with a big grin before she turned back to the TV, which was currently on a rerun of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.

  “I’m so behind, somebody complains every time I try to watch it,” I said giving Hakeem a hard stare, as he walked past us heading to the kitchen dressed in only a pair of sweatpants that hung low around his waist. His sexy ass was always walking around half dressed. I knew he did it on purpose, but with Liyah staying with us our sex life was getting complicated. I felt like we were in high school the way we were having to sneak around because my apartment was about as big as a convenient store’s bathroom. Needless to say we spent a lot of time in the bathroom together. It was the only place in the apartment that we could actually get some privacy and since Liyah never went anywhere, she was always around.

  “Well, I’m going to take a shower and crash.” I dropped the bag of M&M’s on the couch before I stood up and stretched.

  “Yeah, I’m about to shut it down too,” Liyah said.

  “Good, because I know your ass don’t want to hear Tay screaming and shit. I’m ‘bout to put it to her ass.”

  “Keem!” I gave him the nastiest look, but he just laughed as a cocky grin spread across his face.

  “Shit, it’s the truth and you know it. She’s grown and she knows I don’t fuck around.”

  “Oh my God, really Keem. We’re not that damn close,” Liyah said frowning at her brother who was now standing right in front of the TV.

  “The fuck us being close got to do with you knowing that I be making Tay tap out. This little ass shit we’re living in don’t hide a damn thing, so I know you know what’s up,” Hakeem said, and then laughed before he walked over to the bed and sat down.

  I just looked at Liyah and then Hakeem and shook my head. She and I both knew that he was serious as hell and there wasn’t anything that either of us could say to him.


  “You better stop moving my hand Tay,” Hakeem whispered against my neck and I couldn’t help but smile. I knew there was no hope of stopping him. He had been patient for the last two hours, waiting to make sure Liyah was asleep, but now he was on a mission.

  “And if I don’t?” I said with a slight smile even though my back was to him, the room was dark and I knew that he couldn’t see my face.

  “Do it again and find out,” Hakeem said as his hand moved in-between my thighs. I relaxed under this touch because it felt like home to me. He knew every inch of my body and how to push me to levels that no one else could.

  “That’s what I thought.” I could hear the smile in his voice as his fingers moved slowly in and out of me at a pace that had every sensor in my body going off in a major way. This damn man had me, no sense in even trying to pretend.

  I could feel him swell against my back to the point here my body was starting to react. Just the thought of him inside me had me feening for him and as if he were reading my mind, Hakeem turned me onto my back and wedged himself between my legs. Instinctively I raised them and wrapped them around his waist as he slid inside me.

  “I love you Tay,” Hakeem whispered against my ear to express how he felt verbally, while his body took care of expressing his love physically. After a few minutes I was struggling to keep control, but I was fighting a losing battle. Hakeem knew it because he was purposely hitting spots that he knew that I couldn’t handle, so he covered my mouth with his to keep me quiet. At this point I didn’t even care; I just wanted all of him and he was more than willing to give it to me.


  “Tasia can we talk?” I saw Jace moving towards me and I let out an irritated sigh. I didn’t know what on earth he thought we had to talk about and honestly it was a bad idea for him to be anywhere around me while we were this close to my office. I knew that Hakeem was out handling business, but it was nothing for him to pop up at my office or the club without warning, and seeing Jace anywhere near me wasn’t going to end well for Jace.

  “I really don’t think there’s anything we need to talk about Jace. I made it very clear that I’ve moved on and I really wish that you would too.” I kept moving towards my office, as Jace jogged behind me to catch up since I didn’t stop to acknowledge him.

  “When I finally made it to my door, I reached for it but Jace held it closed from behind me by pressing his body against me, placing the palm of his hand on the oversized glass door to prevent me from opening it. I glanced inside and luckily didn’t see Jacob or Sky in the lobby. The last thing I needed was for either of them to see me in a compromising position with Jace. Even though I wasn’t really concerned about them saying anything to Hakeem, for me it was all about appearances.

  “I think you need to stay out of my personal space,” I said as I ducked under his body to free myself from him.

  “Wow, he really got your head that fucked up Tasia?” Jace snapped. His face had frustration etched all over it and I could tell that he seemed anxious. His tall, lean frame stood defensively like he was ready to reach out and grab me at any time, and I had to admit I missed being close to him; we were good together, but he wasn’t Hakeem and he never would be. I didn’t own my heart anymore, Hakeem did, so I couldn’t offer it to anyone else and honestly, I really didn’t want to.

  “He hasn’t done anything to my head, but now my heart, that’s a different story,” I said with a bit of hostility. I was annoyed at the fact that Jace thought he had the right to question my decisions.

  “He's a fucking thug, Tasia. It’s just a matter of time before he’s dead or behind bars. Why would you even want to put yourself through that. You’re better than that.” Jace softened his tone as if it would appeal to my senses.

  I laughed sarcastically. “What he is, is none of our business but trust me when I say, he’s well worth any risk involved.”

  “You think so, huh?” Jace said just as I noticed Sky watching us out the corner of my eye.

  “I know so, and since you already know what he’s capable of then it’s really not smart for you to be here addressing me, is it?” I said.

  “So you date a thug and that gives you the right to make threats on my life,” Jace said annoyed.

  “I’m not threatening you. I’m just stating facts.”

  Jace stared at me fo
r a few seconds longer before his jaw tightened like he was attempting to control himself from saying something and then he finally spoke. “I get what I want Tasia, remember that.” His eyes locked on mine before he turned to walk away. Something about his words had me feeling uneasy, but I shook the feeling and watched as he made his way to his car, got in and drove away.

  When I entered the building Sky wasted no time at all with her twenty questions.

  “Hey boo, that looked pretty intense. What did Jace want?” she asked faking a concerned look.

  “Nothing,” I replied as I made my way to my office and then tossed over my shoulder, “Are my appointments still on schedule for this afternoon.”

  “Yep, you have a one fifteen and three thirty. Both scheduled for the Mayor’s ball next Thursday. So was Jace just stopping by to see how the new business is going?” Sky said again with that fake ass smile, but before I could answer Jacob made his grand entrance.

  “Finally love, what took you so long, I was wondering if I needed to send out a search party for you?” He walked in right past Sky, and kissed me on the cheek before he propped his bony behind on the edge of my desk. I fell back into my oversized leather chair and dropped my purse on the floor next to me before I focused on Jacob.

  “You know, Holland is impossible. She changes her mind a million times about every detail and then always goes back to the original design. If she wasn’t paying me a shit load of money I wouldn’t have the patience for her, especially since she always insists I come there,” I said thinking about my trip this morning to Edison Manner. Holland Edison was the wife of billionaire, Lyon Edison, who had his hands in almost every media avenue in New York. Radio stations, websites, magazines, and TV stations, you name it, he owned it and had the bank accounts to prove it. His wife, Holland ran several non-profit organizations, which meant that she needed to be styled for an event every other night, but she paid good money so I didn’t complain.

  “What’s wrong, you look frustrated love?” Jacob asked as he looked at me and frowned.