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Hakeem & Tasia 2: A Brick City Love Story Page 15

  “I’m far from your brother, so don’t sweat it,” Kendrick said before he leaned in and kissed Liyah on her temple. That shit struck a nerve and was going to take some getting used to. She might be nineteen but to me she was still that same 12-year-old that used to cry herself to sleep in my bed at night after our parents died. I was having a hard time accepting the fact that she was standing on her own now.

  “Trust me, I know,” she said looking him right in the eyes. It was like they didn’t even know that we were there. That had me feeling some type of way, but I was just glad to see her happy and Kendrick seemed pretty solid, so for now I was good. Time would tell if I stayed that way.

  We were at Uptowns which was sort of like a casual bar and grill, but still a little upscale, so we chilled, ate and talked for another hour. I got to know more about Kendrick and he was slowly selling me on the idea of him being a part of Liyah’s life. Kendrick and Liyah got a little too cozy for my liking, but all in all it was a good evening. That was up until I spotted a few familiar faces. Luckily Tay’s back was to them, even though I knew that she wouldn’t recognize Janelle parents, but the thing that was fucking with my head was the little girl that was with them.

  The second they sat down they caught my eye, but I was more focused on the kid they had with them. She was beautiful, Hershey complexion with two oversized, curly puffs, one on each side of her head. She was rocking khaki skinny jeans, and a denim shirt, while holding a stuffed elephant and talking a mile a minute. She couldn’t have been any more than two, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her. The thing that kept drawing me in was her dimples and her eyes. They were hazel just like mine which had me feeling all fucked up.

  “Yo, I’m about to hit up the bathroom so that we can go,” I said as I kissed Tay on the cheek. Since we had finished dinner, I pulled out a stack of cash and handed her a hundred-dollar bill and then looked around the table.

  “You want change?” she asked already knowing the answer.

  “Nah, leave it as a tip,” I said just as the waiter was walking up.

  I pushed my chair back and stood, leaving them at the table, as I made my way towards the back of the restaurant. Just before I could get to the table where Janelle’s parents and the kid were sitting, I noticed her walking out of the bathroom. She had her head down so she didn’t notice me until I spoke.

  “Is she mine?” I asked pointing to the table while looking Janelle right in her face. I needed to see her eyes to tell if she was lying when she answered. Janelle glanced at the table where her parents were sitting before she focused on me again, and I’ll be damned if the color didn’t drain from her face. She opened her mouth to speak and I held my breath waiting for her to confirm what I already knew from the second I laid eyes on that kid. This shit could not be happening.

  To be continued …

  Also Available by K.C. Mills

  Hakeem & Tasia: A Brick City Love Story

  Loving A Certified Thug Series - Books 1-3

  A Criminal Love Couples: Royal and Lace

  A Criminal Love: Lovin' A Street King

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